France’s best-selling French-language books of 2019

At this time of the year, the weather can be quite changeable. Looking for a book to put in your bag to go to the park or something to occupy your rainy afternoons? Then here is a little list that might interest you, I promise there will be something for everyone !
Astérix, La fille de Vercingétorix

Do you know the famous Gauls, Asterix and Obelix? Take advantage of your stay in France to discover one of the 38 albums of this comic book... a must in French culture!

Un appartement à Paris La vie secrète des écrivains,

Guillaume Musso places two of his novels in the top 10. He is the best-selling French novelist since 2011 in France.

Sérotonine, Serotonin is the seventh novel written by French writer, poet and essayist Michel Houellebecq.

- All men do not inhabit the world in the same way, Jean-Paul Dubois, Prix Goncourt (The Prix Goncourt is a French literary award for French-speaking authors)

Changer l’eau des fleurs,

Valérie Perrin is the best-selling author of 2019; this book is known to arouse a lot of emotions in readers.

La panthère des neiges, Prix Renaudot 2019

Sylvain Tesson transporte les lecteurs dans des contrées lointaines et magnifiques, peuplées de bêtes sauvages et rares.

· La tresse

Avec son premier roman, Laetitia Colombani signe un récit féministe qui a marqué l’année 2019.

2 women complete the ranking with 2 "feel good" books:

It's high time to rekindle Virginie Grimaldi's stars

Your second life begins when you realize that you only have one.

Raphaëlle Giordano, already in the top 10 in 2018 and 2017,

It's a good thing that this week, with a French accent, the theme of the week is "J'aime lire" (I love to read).

Reading is a great way to improve your French. It allows you to develop your vocabulary while progressing at your own pace. Many activities are planned by Quentin for the occasion. Do not hesitate to participate in the various visits and workshops, it is the perfect opportunity to practice your French in a relaxed atmosphere.

Happy reading to all !

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