team has grown and we have reorganized the positions of each one, here
is everything you need to know to contact the right person:
Partnerships and cooperation:
- Institutions and agents: Virginia, Mail : virginie@accentfrancais.com, WhatsApp : +33681914835
- Agents and Groups - Adult Program : Stéphanie, Mail : stephanie.checa@accentfrancais.com, WhatsApp : +33688165029
- Agents and Groups - Junior Programs : Andrew, Mail : andrew@accentfrancais.com, WhatsApp :+33611562696
Request for information and reservations
- Agents and Groups - Adult Program : Stéphanie, Mail : stephanie.checa@accentfrancais.com, WhatsApp : +33688165029
- Agents and Groups - Junior Programs : Andrew, Mail : andrew@accentfrancais.com, WhatsApp :+33611562696
- Individuals: Brenda, Mail: client@accentfrancais.com, WhatsApp: +33627592809
Booking coordination : Mariangela (Sophie is on maternity leave until the end of April 2020)
Reception, coordination of premises and activities: Quentin
Accommodation (French hosts and residences): Steffy
- Recruitment : Agathe, Mail: agathe@accentfrancais.com
- Reviews: Karen, Mail: karen@accentfrancais.com
- Quality and training : Delphine, Mail: delphine@accentfrancais.com
If you are not sure, please do not hesitate to contact us by email: contact@accentfrancais.com.
See you soon!
The Accent Français team